Harry Potter’s Invisibility Cloak May Become a Reality

In the books and movies, Harry Potter famously uses his invisibility cloak to sneak around in order to hear and see things that he wouldn’t usually be privy to.  Having the power of invisibility is something that is extremely appealing to many people. The possibilities are truly endless; You could pretend to be a ghost to prank your family into believing their house is haunted, become a hide and seek champion, or beat up a mime to make others believe that they are the best performer in the world. 

Ah possibilities, but sadly these are all figments of our imaginations, right?  Wrong.  

A Canadian company called Hyperstealth Biotechnology Corp believes that they have unlocked the secret to invisibility.  The company recently released information on a device called Quantum Stealth. Quantum Stealth is a light bending technology with the purpose of helping militaries vanish like a Penn and Teller trick.  According to Hyperstealth Biotechnology, “Quantum Stealth is a material that renders the target completely invisible by bending light waves around the target. The material removes not only your visual, infrared (night vision) and thermal signatures but also the target’s shadow”.  

Image C/O phys.org

Naturally, there is skepticism surrounding this technology with many calling it a fake.  However, Hyperstealth’s CEO, Guy Cramer, has been quick to refute these claims on their website.  Cramer says “Two separate command groups within the U.S. Military and two separate Canadian Military groups as well as Federal Emergency Response Team (Counter Terrorism) have seen the actual material so they could verify that I was not just manipulating video or photo results; These groups now know that it works and does so without cameras, batteries, lights or mirrors…..It is lightweight and quite inexpensive.  Both the U.S. and Canadian military have confirmed that it also works against military IR scopes and Thermal Optics”.  

Witness Quantum Stealth in action

Unfortunately Quantum Stealth will not be available for the general public anytime in the near future.  Hyperstealth Technology is currently in negotiations with the American, Canadian, and British militaries.  The technology was primarily developed for military use, especially to protect fallen soldiers behind enemy lines.  This is an extremely interesting concept that will be fun to follow over the coming years. Hopefully one day it will morph into Invisibility cloaks that are available for the general public to purchase.  The following meme describes my reaction to their (hopeful) future sale on the open market: 

For further reading directly from the company and to view more of their photo and video demonstrations head to: 

If that’s not enough to quench your curiosity, here’s some even further reading:




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